What kind of electric appliance should portable power station use? Just choose the power


What kind of electric appliance should portable power station use? Just choose the power
Outdoor mobile power supplies have their own maximum power that they can withstand. The appliances you need to use also have a rated power. For example, hair dryers are generally up to 1500W. If the outdoor mobile power supply is lower than this output power, it can not be carried. Therefore, choose the mobile power supply based on the maximum power appliance you need.
Typical power of common electrical appliances:

  • Bulb: 10~150W
  • Mobile phone: 5~60W
  • Camera: 5W
  • UAV: 70W
  • Projector: 70W
  • Electric fan: 60W
  • Notebook: 60~200W
  • Air conditioner: 1200W
  • Hair dryer: 1500W
  • Induction cooker: 2500W

Judging from the typical power, if high-power appliances such as air conditioners, hair dryers and induction cookers are not used, a 600Wh outdoor mobile power supply, which is about 0.6 degrees, can basically meet the basic power demand for a trip.

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